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Simple Stocks & Trading for Beginners
Links For You!!
Check Out These Links!
Intro Video (2:35)
The Stock Market
What is a Stock? (9:10)
Stock Exchange (3:11)
Stock Market Indexes (8:47)
Stock Price (3:14)
Futures (7:30)
Catalysts (4:35)
Margin Account vs. Cash Account (13:21)
What Are Options? (8:17)
Styles Of Trading (3:07)
Ultimate Walkthrough Of Options (18:59)
Option Terms (13:40)
Spreads (12:57)
Technical Analysis
How to Set Up a Tradingview Account (19:25)
What is Technical Analysis and Why is it Significant? (9:14)
Candlesticks (6:03)
Support & Resistance (11:21)
Technical Patterns (20:27)
My Tradingview Setup (26:32)
Entries and Exits (12:13)
What is the VIX? (9:16)
How to Trade Puts on a Red Day (10:35)
What is Technical Analysis and Why is it Significant?
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